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Saturday, February 6, 2010


from the time I was in 6th grade til I married my first husband at age 21 I have been plagued with meeting and falling for guys named "Jeff",  my first Jeff was a 6th grade crush that lasted for about a year,  the next one was 9th grade,  lasted about the same amount of time,  then my first love at 17,  followed by a series of Jeffs that some I was only involved with briefly,  others for years.  I think the grand total is 10.  It finally got to the point that if I met a guy named Jeff I found a way to not be around them for long.  *L*  too dangerous with my history. It was a long running joke with my family and circle of friends,  if the phone rang and it was for me and the caller said his name was Jeff,  my little brother asked "which one?"   my boyfriends were referred to by their last name instead of Jeff.  and about half of my Jeffs are probably reading this right now.  if you are then I love all of you guys,  but my fond memories of you have nothing to do with this blog.   my youngest son inspired this one.

In the car yesterday my husband Bryan and I hear from the backseat our 6 year old son Caden playing with his Lego Minifigs,  and he is saying Jeffrey this,  Jeffrey that like he is talking to somebody.  My husband asked who was Jeffrey?  we thought it might be a school friend,  he replied "He's a guy I made up that I play with sometimes"  OMG!!!!   my son has an imaginary playmate named Jeffrey!!!!!!!!!!  *LOL* 

so even though I thought I was finally free of Jeffs,  I'm not.  and then my ex sister in law sent me a msg telling me that her ex husband who is my ex husbands brother is now on FB,  guess what his name is?  yep,  you guessed it!!!

I love irony.  *LOL*

1 comment:

Fuzzy Logic said...

Its funny because Adam's imaginary friend is God. Yes God. He asked us if we talked to God and we said yes and we asked him and he said 'well yeah, he's sitting right here next to me' Told us that he always smiles.
I know creepy huh?