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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can't sleep, guess I'll write a blog

ya know,  this Insomnia thing was cute at first,  I enjoyed it a little bit,  getting to be awake when everybody else is asleep,  enjoying the quiet house.  alone with my thoughts,  I have waves where I sleep all night on a regular basis,  but here lately this is my routine.  I'm sooooooooooo exausted,  can barely stay awake til 10pm,  finally go to bed,  wake up with a start at what I think is hours later,  but it is actually like 45 min,  and i'm wide awake for the rest of the night.  sleeping aids don't work,  wine doesnt work,  then around 9am,  I can't stay awake.  I've always been nocturnal,  but I have a family now and that just doesnt work out so well for any of us.

so tonite i've gotten caught up on my meaningless web browsing,  I found out that I have a oval face,  which surprised me because I always thought it was round,  nope,  my forehead is bigger than my chin,  they arent the same width,  so that makes me a oval face.  I need to throw out 95% of my makeup due to it being ancient,  my favorite perfume (J'Dore)  is  now one of the most expensive on the market,  which would explain why I havent gotten a bottle as a gift in a really long time. and first aid kits have a lot of crap in them that you wind up throwing out before using.  my first aid kit has these items:  band aids, hand santizer,  kleenex,  migraine pills,  pepto tablets, and tweezers, and it used to have tampons and midol but I no longer need those so I havent restocked.  and I don't have a fancy lil case,  I have a ziploc bag with the stuff in it,  I used to have the cute lil case but it got lost somewhere along the way. 

ziploc bags are really underrated ya know?  I use them for EVERYTHING,  not one day goes by that I don't use one.

lets see what else is going on with me.... oh yeah,  I think i'm going thru my midlife crisis,  i'm wearing makeup more and doing my hair just to pick up the kids at school and go to the store.  i'm the ultimate ponytail girl so thats a big deal,  and I actually paid $10 for eyeshadow!!!!  I never knew there was a difference!  I always just bought the cheapest there was,  usually what came with the makeup bag,  but I wanted to try that new silk eye shadow,  and i'm amazed!!!  all this time i've been dealing with eyemakeup that would not stay on and would smudge if I so much as blinked!!!  so now i'm thinking I should get some decent makeup brushes and not the crappy dollar tree ones that I think i've owned since high school. 

AND,  i've started a 2 year plan on getting in shape,  I turned 38 this week,  so my goal is by the time i'm 40 in two short years,  i'm going to be able to wear a bikini again!!  AND for my 40th bday Bryan and I are going on a trip to the beach!  I don't care if its a beach in Texas,  we are going!  so i've cut out the soda,  been doing  a bit of yoga each morning,  and i'm going to join a gym in a couple of mos when school is out.  and i'm not going to do it the way the trainers tell me,  i'm not going to go every day in the beginning because thats how i get burned out,  i'm going once a week for the 1st month,  if that goes well then I will increase after that.  and even if I only go and sit in the sauna for an hour,  i'm going to feel good that I got out of the house and made it there!   I always feel guilty if I don't do the entire workout routine each time and quit going out of guilt!  so my plan is to gradually build up my getting healthy goal,  now that i'm on the thyroid meds my metabolism has sped up drastically,  now I can't blame the weight on my hormones,  its all up to me now.

hmmm,  well guess I will go back to surfing the web,  i'm bidding on a Chi hair straightner and a bottle of the afore mentioned perfume for .99 each,  wouldnt it be great if they stayed at that????  *L*

g'nite all!!!

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