yesterday was "super tuesday" and after the choices the people of my state made I am now terrified and contemplating moving to another country for the next 4-5 years.
but after reading several articles, comments on the local news channels FB pages and getting into a couple of debates here and there on friends pages i've come to this conclusion. whether you are far left or far right, you've got a screw loose somewhere.
I mean no offense, some of my best friends are extremists but I want to clarify a few things for all of my leaning this way or that friends.
first of all, not all Republicans are racists, sexists or homophobic. Just because somebody has strong religious beliefs does not make them any of those things. I know some damn fine people that don't hate me or wish bad things upon me just because I don't agree with them all the time. er, at least they don't tell me they do. :)
and on that note, not all Democrats are lazy, baby killing, socialists, communist, satan worshippers. Again I know plenty of liberals that are hard workers, that don't think Obama is all that. And alot of them have strong religious beliefs as well, some of them even believe in God.
It cracks me up when I hear somebody lump an entire group together and put a label on them according to their political affiliation. Some people only check that box because in order to vote it is required. I did not want to be lumped into either group so I checked the Independent box, now at the time I thought Independent meant exactly that, that you were free to make up your own mind and did not need a political party to decide for you what issues are important. I had no idea that it was a actual political party that has its own agenda. but since I have a headache and there is no major candidate running for office on the Independent ticket I don't have to go into what they stand for and can pretend this time Independent means just that.
I believe in separation of church and state, simply because not every person is the same religion and mixing the 2 is always going to step on somebodys rights. I believe that what goes on in consenting adults bedrooms is nobodys business but those consenting adults involved. I believe everybody has a right to love and to be loved, again as long as its consenting adults. I believe that if 2 people want to have a life together and raise a family and they want to make that union legal then they should be able to. and I don't care if they are the same sex or not. I also believe that there are some people that act before they think and before you know it they are on their 4 or 5 marriage before they turn 40. and I'm talking about both gay and straight people here.
I believe until everybody can get over their fear of talking about sex then birth control ie: condoms should be handed out starting in middle school. there are 8th grade girls in our town that are pregnant right now, somewhere a parent should have put down the bible and have an honest talk with their kids.
I believe that everybody should respect others religious beliefs and not step all over them. I also believe that what goes on in a womans uterus is nobody's business but hers and who she invites in.
I also believe that everybody should have the right to bear arms, if they can pass a basic common sense test and show that they can be responsible. I believe that if those people want to own a thousand guns then its not the govt's place to try to prevent them.
I believe that if your child is a bully and you don't have a problem with it then you are a bully that taught them to be one. And you need your ass kicked by a bunch of nerds.
I believe that our country MUST stop being so dependent on the middle east for our oil reserves, if we have it here then we need to drill for it. and if we are saving it for when the rest of the world drys up, then just say it instead of pretending to care about the environment. nobody is fooled by that.
and I believe that we are totally screwed when it comes to this next election. Obama is going to ruin the country if he stays in office and whether Romney or Santorum gets elected they will do the same. The 2 men that had a chance of defeating Obama and actually doing a decent job as President don't stand a chance because of their personal lives. Something that has nothing to do with how they would have actually done the job.
so thats all i've got, living in Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and leaving everything covered in dust and allergens, my head is pounding and I can't think straight. hopefully it will all clear up soon, and hopefully I don't have to move to another country come November.
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