before you read further, if you get offended by cursing then you want to exit out of this blog right now. this is a pent up much needed long overdue rant of a blog
still reading? well, you can't say I didn't warn you. don't get pissy with me the next time I see or talk to you because you don't like what I wrote here, because I may just be talking about YOU!!
and no, I don't apologize ahead of time.
so normally I try to treat people how I want to be treated, I try to not point out what whining, inconsiderate, judgemental, pretentious fucks people are on facebook/twitter/real life. I try to be thankful for the roof over my head and not be jealous of how much easier others seem to have it, I won't say better because I don't know what goes on in their everyday lives.
I try not to say fuck you to the people who complain about having to pack for their 5th awesome vacation they have taken this year, or to tell the person with the 2 year old house that cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars that is bitching that they hate their kitchen/master bathroom/theatre room and want to do a gut job and redecorate how ungrateful they are. I try not to tell the person that is complaining about the cost of gasoline and how its going to suck paying for it so they can use their various recreational vehicles to shut up.
I keep my thoughts to myself when the person who is barely 20lbs overweight is devastated they can't find a bathing suit they like. I don't say a word to the person who is always bragging about how they can stretch a buck on their tight budget but when they are being thrown a wedding/baby shower they register for the most expensive things in the store. and fyi, i'm not talking about anybody that is currently with child.
there are a few people on FB that were really, really, really mean to me back in high school. so much in fact that it still hurts to think about. All but one have turned out to be nice people, I don't know if they remember how they treated me and truly feel bad about it, but I'm thankful that they are nice people now. the one that is not nice in presentday pretends to be a great family guy and christian but he is still an ass, a pretentious ass that is constantly correcting people and acting like he is the wisest person around. and I don't think he will even have a inking that i'm talking about him because he is so much better than me in his eyes that he wouldnt stoop to read my blog. in fact i'm surprised he is even a facebook friend anymore.
I also just love how the people that claim to be so liberal and open minded unfriend you if you speak your mind on something they post that you don't happen to agree with. or the ones that are so closeminded and blind to other peoples feelings that they will just vomit their opinion on everything and not care if what they say upsets others.
and the religious people, while i'm very , very happy that you are happy with whatever your faith is, I really cant stand seeing something pertaining to it posted every freakin 5 min on FB. its cool if you want to do a daily scripture posting or quote something that relates to what you are going thru in your life at the moment. but i'm perfectly capable of reading the bible myself. (which I do more than you would think)
and for the dozen or so people that I have deleted and blocked this past year because I posted something and they decided to declare WWIII on me for it. FUCK YOU!!! if I want to bitch about my sons little league baseball coach, the stupidity of most of the percentage of people that call 911, how bad I think OSU football sucks or how crooked NBA refs are I will, if you don't like it then don't read it. you can post how you feel but don't try to start a FB fight with me. I censor myself on there because there are people that I don't want to offend that reads my posts. (again if you are offended by my language and are still reading this I warned you at the beginning)
oh yeah, if you have ever done a particular thing, don't look down on somebody else who has/or is doing it. I know alot more about you people than you think and I have an amazing memory. lets just say you better be glad I don't get a vote in whether you go to heaven or hell. for example, don't act like you are a model citizen when I know about the bong(s) you own and that you have a monthly pot bill, don't put down somebody for having sex before they were married if you were/or got somebody pregnant before you could legally drive. don't question someone elses parenting abilities when your kids are one step away from juvie hall. don't act shocked that somebody is getting a divorce when you cheated on your first spouse.
I try really hard to be nice to everybody even if thats the last feeling I have towards them because i'm a believer in karma. and to be honest right now I could use some of that what comes around goes around stuff because things arent going so great for me right now.
so now that i've got alot of bitching out of my system I will count a few of the things i'm thankful for. that while my health sucks to me, I do not have a life threatening disease. my husband and kids are all healthy, I still have my mom around, I have great inlaws that I get along very well with. and even though I'm not really happy with it, I am thankful for the home I have, that my kids don't have to go hungry. my husband is kind and considerate and while I may complain about him sometimes I would not trade him for anything.
so if a few of you could toss some of those positive prayers and feelings of goodwill towards me and mine I would sure appreciate it. not sure what the immediate future has in store for us but I hoping and praying that its not bad.
thanks for reading the blog, and no i'm still not sorry for the cussing. :)