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Monday, January 2, 2012

Alysworld: Happy New Year!!!

Alysworld: Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all of you reading this!!! (all 2 of you!)  LOL,

I really hope this year is not as eventful as last year was for me and my family.  We had a near fatal 4 wheeler accident,  a runaway semi truck tire attack us,  several earthquakes that really "rattled" our nerves.  not to mention a huge snow storm,  hell-like temps in the summer.    not to mention our teenaged son and his friends decided to clean out our locked liquor cabinet the one time ever we left them home alone.

a few really good events happened this past year,  our daughter graduated high school,  I got to see my favorite band in the world in concert.  and i'm sure many other things that I have just forgotten about,  but i'm sure they will come back to me when I least expect it.

speaking of past memories coming back out of the  blue,  here lately I have been remembering different things my ex husband used to say to me. (we divorced in jan of 1999),  funny how I never got mad back then,  my feelings got hurt but I mostly just ignored him.  but now when I remember these things I get really mad and wish I would have told him off back then.  here are a few of the things that have been popping into my head lately.

1. "wow!"  you have really just thrown in the towel on your looks haven't you?"
2. " I'm losing interest in this relationship"
3.  6mos after my brother committed suicide " how long are you going to take getting over this?"
  he also threw his wedding ring out the front door of our apt 2 wks after we got married.  ,  he got angry because I had not done laundry that day and threw all of our brand new towels in the trash can outside,  while it was raining.  oh and he told me on a regular basis that his biggest fear is I will turn out like my mother.

and all this wasn't even the really bad stuff he did.  of which I would need a therapist to go into with.

not sure why I have been thinking about all those random things.  maybe because we divorced at this same time of year.  oh and how can I forget this,  I told him what atty I was going to use to file for divorce , (whom I had already spoken to on the phone and made an appt with for the next week)  and he went in ahead of me and hired the same atty and filed for divorce himself.  not sure what he thought he was accomplishing since it was a no fault divorce, I didn't want alimony or anything from him.  oh and he did try to prevent me from going back to my maiden name.  he tried to block me from getting that in the divorce decree ,  I had to threaten alimony for him to drop it.

maybe this time of year I'm just thankful for all my blessings and getting that divorce probably saved my life!!!

but anyways,  hope everybody's year is off to a great start and continues to bring good things.   I'm looking forward to a nice quiet, boring year!  LOL

love to you all!