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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ahhhhhhh blogging, how i've missed thee!!!!

WOW!!! I just saw where it has been almost 2 years since i've posted anything on here, I used to blog alot on myspace, but its the ghetto now or at least I read that it was, I'm now a Facebook convert. not really a good format to blog on, yes, I can do the notes but I dunno, it just didnt feel the same. So i'm back on my blogspot to do it.

and now I either can't think of what to blog about or there are so many things to blog about I can't decide on one!!! *LOL*

Right now I am at home w/my sick 5 year old son, who isnt acting so sick anymore, he is still coughing a bit but I think he will be ok for school tomorrow. Speaking of whom, he just informed me he knew how to spell the "A word" he spelled it A-A-S. *LOL*

This is the same child that yesterday when he and his older brother by 8 years got into an argument over him walking into the older boys bedroom w/out knocking said he wished his big brother wasnt alive, I told him that wasnt nice and to never say that again , this was his reply: "well, he is older than me so he is gonna die first!!!!!" yes, I had to hide my laughing. it wasnt right, but it was funny.

I guess this is it for this blog, I will write again when my thoughts quit swirling and i'm able to grab one!